Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy
Copyright Policy
In accordance with our Terms of Use, users are prohibited from storing, modifying, distributing, performing, or displaying original works of authorship without proper authorization. Users are responsible for ensuring they have the appropriate authorization to use copyrighted content. Upon receiving a valid notice indicating that a user's account contains infringing material, will promptly disable access to the material, including the user's access, and deactivate the sharing function for the account. The user will be notified via email of the actions taken by uploady in response to the takedown notice.
uploady will take immediate action to halt and prevent further copyright infringement upon becoming aware of a violation. uploady does not tolerate copyright infringement. Accounts found to be involved in copyright violations may be terminated, and no refunds will be issued for remaining memberships.
Notice to Owners of Copyrighted Works
If you are the copyright owner of content appearing on the uploady website and did not authorize its use, you must notify uploady in writing to identify the allegedly infringing content and take action.
Your written notice must include:
A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or authorized representative claiming an infringed executive right.
Specific identification of the copyrighted work allegedly infringed. If alleging infringement of multiple works, provide a representative list identifying each work.
Specific identification and description of the infringing material, including URLs where it's located.
Contact information for the complaining party, including name, address, telephone number, and email address.
A statement affirming the complaining party's good faith belief that the material's use is unauthorized.
A statement that the information provided is accurate, and the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
Copyright holders outside the US should email notices to:
Any person knowingly misrepresenting information in a takedown notification may be liable for damages.
Allow one business day for a response to your notice. To ensure proper consideration, provide all required information.
Counter-notification respects the interests of copyright owners and users. Users may respond to infringement claims to seek restoration of removed material or website access if they can prove legitimate use.
A counter-notification must include:
A statement that access was disabled due to a takedown procedure.
Information identifying the removed material and account.
A statement, under penalty of perjury, that the material was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification.
User's contact information, including name, address, and telephone number.
Consent to jurisdiction of the Federal District Court.
User's electronic or physical signature.
Counter-notifications should be sent to uploady's DMCA Designated Agent. uploady will respond to valid counter-notifications within 10-14 business days.