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3 entries.
support wrote on 2024-03-22 at 22:00
Dear Users, Uploady is pleased to inform you that the issue regarding "skipped countdown" on download pages for mobile users has been resolved!Kind Regards
FreddyM wrote on 2024-03-16 at 13:50
Support for uploading files to uploady was integrated into themaCreator.
repusxsnb wrote on 2024-03-16 at 13:49
Can each IP address generate revenue? If so, how much? I frequently encounter "MAX24_REACHED" and dislike this, along with "PROXY_DETECTED" and "Not completed." I've experimented with a pay-per-download (PPD) host and found it preferable. Can you provide further clarification? Thank you.
Admin Reply by: support
Hello, Our system limits downloads to one IP address per 24-hour period, which is why you encountered the MAX24_reached error. As for proxy_detected, it indicates that our system has detected the use of a proxy server. Additionally, "not completed" means that you only earn revenue if the user successfully downloads 100% of the file. Thank you.